July 30, 2012


i dreamed of the moment it would happen.
i dreamed of what it would feel like.
i dreamed of how it would change me.
 i dreamed of becoming a mommy. 
i dreamed of her.

and she is more breathtaking than anything i ever dreamed of.


July 27, 2012


what i'm wearing: jeans, gap. fringe tunic, free people. scarf, target.
twenty-eight weeks and still feeling great, other than an all-out heartburn battle the past two weeks (which i totally won) time is flying by, thank god. i'm appreciating that now before the impending get this baby out of me phase kicks in. i'm happy to say that my mostly healthy eating and daily yoga have been keeping my weight gain steady for several weeks now. and yes, i know these pictures don't reflect that. note to self, do not recline on the porch swing in maternity photos. won't be making that mistake again.

while reading an article online yesterday, jack looked over my shoulder at a photo and said, "what is that?!" it was a placenta. cue most entertaining and hysterical conversation of my life. he now thinks what a placenta does is pretty cool and never, ever wants to see a picture of one again. i fully agree. on to next week and hopefully more awkwardly wonderful chats.


July 25, 2012


i thought i'd start a little series about what we do and why and how we do it. so here it is.

it's only fitting to start with my favorite thing...thrifting. i could thrift all day, everyday and mister jones will concur. there's just something about those dreamy vintage finds. it's like discovering a lost treasure. if only we knew who owned it before, what was their story, where has it been...dreamy i tell you. my love for all things vintage and old fashioned is definitely my number one motivator when i thrift. however, less impact on the environment, less expense and supporting companies that give to people in need are also major contributing factors. we're trying to set an example for our kids of how not to get caught up in the american consumerist lifestyle. rather, we're trying to focus on a lifestyle of simplicity and learning to appreciate the contentment and peace found there. 

this doesn't mean we don't buy anything new, we certainly do so when it's necessary. although i've never walked into a shopping mall and felt my heart skip a beat like it did when i spotted that teensy baseball embroidered vintage shirt for baby boy. the thrill of thrifting. good for the soul.


July 24, 2012


we've found ourselves in the wake of yet another tragedy in colorado. more devastation, more heartbreak, more asking why, more people in need of something. it's easy to get lost in the empathy. my heart hurts over and over again for the families who lost loved ones. i often feel a sense of desperation. what can i do to ease their pain, what can i say to bring comfort and peace, what happened in that man's life to drive him to such evil and who are we to say he isn't in need just like the hurting families? this last month in colorado families have been grieving over lost homes, memories and a destroyed city. now they mourn for lost sons, daughters, mothers and fathers. but, while all this was taking place, something else was happening too...


the video above, made by my ridiculously talented husband, is just a short recap of the past two weeks on the streets of colorado springs. hundreds of hurting people found a hope and gave their hearts to god in exchange for a new life. there is something we have to offer in the midst of tragedy and devastation. if you've found a hope in jesus and come across someone in need this week, will you offer them a message of hope? it might just be their last chance.


July 16, 2012


summer equals birthday season in our house. mr jones in june, mama in july, miss belle in august. yesterday was my twenty-sixth birthday. i'll admit, i could barely remember my own age when someone asked me over the weekend. that either means i'm getting old or i have a serious case of pregnancy brain fog. sundays are crazy busy days for us, so we celebrated on saturday in my beloved manitou springs. yummy tex-mex for lunch with friends, penny arcades and rides with the littles, the cutest and quickest snapping photo both ever, ice cream and a little birthday thrifting. it was a lovely, relaxing birthday. i look forward to milking every last drop out of the remaining days of my birthday month. although madi belle has already been bringing me guest lists, decor blueprints and costume patterns for her upcoming celebration. the girl knows how to throw a party.

i hope everyone is having a spectacular summer. spend some time in the sun or soak in the cool rain like we plan to do this week. enjoy whatever season your summer brings. especially if it's birthday season.


July 13, 2012


have i mentioned i love easy recipes? i think grains are just about the easiest meal starters ever. you can add pretty much anything you want to them, depending on what cuisine you're in the mood for. when i made this recipe i was fresh out of tortilla chips and basically just looking for an excuse to eat that guacamole. this was such a yummy summer lunch. the kids loved it and i think it might just become a sunny day staple around this house. next time charlie will be eating his out on the deck. i'm still finding grains of couscous in random dining room crevices.


2 cups prepared couscous
1 cup yellow corn
1 cup black beans
1/4 cup cilantro
2 Tbs olive oil
2 cloves garlic
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp ancho chili powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
salt and pepper to taste

chop cilantro and garlic. toss all ingredients in a large bowl. top with a scoop of guacamole or your favorite salsa. it's so easy a caveman could do it. ;) enjoy!

July 10, 2012


mostly day dreaming about sleeping. also of creating a whimsical outdoor space(like the one above) to promote day dreaming and sleeping. i have been utterly exhausted the past few days and my nights have looked something like 1. up all night with a grouchy toddler 2. up all night with a headache and leg cramps 3. up all night with a sick little girl. i used to pride myself on functioning well with very little sleep. it's just not cutting right now. this third trimester came at me like a ton of bricks and my family will be the first to tell you i've been far less pleasant as a result. mr jones has been so lovely, cooking and cleaning for us. i think i'm most impressed with his ability not to reciprocate my bad attitude. i'm very thankful for him.

hormones are so crazy. i can't say i'm terribly fond of the abrupt changes they bring, but i am determined to overcome them. this pregnancy has been super easy so far and i'm not about to give in to misery now. i'm usually a very social gal and love spending time out and about. however, for the sake of sanity i've decided my goal until baby comes will be rest, relax, sleep, enjoy quiet moments with the littles, go on far more dates with the mister, not act like a total lunatic reclaim my more cheerful demeanor. oh and get started on that outdoor haven and daydream....about sleeping. 


July 5, 2012


yes, i know this is an obscene amount of photos. you should see how many i didn't post. anyway, this july fourth we did thing something a little different. we opted out of the traditional bbq's with friends and took the littles to rock ledge ranch for an old fashioned celebration. it's an old historic non-profit living history farm and museum. we got to walk through the reenactment of a revolutionary war camp, watch the flag raised by soldiers and salute it while a brass band played the national anthem, meet abe lincoln and play carnival games in a barn. it was so dang fun. there were endless fun activities to do and sights to see. we went out for lunch and frozen yogurt before heading home to sleep the rest of the day away. sadly, no fireworks this year due to the recent fires. all in all, it was a great day with just our little family. we kinda like it that way. hope you had a great independence day!


July 3, 2012


 i stumbled across an old file on our computer today and these are just a handful of the gems i discovered. i must have looked through four hundred pictures of these sweet littles. what precious memories to relive. i've realized the closer we get to adding a new little to our bunch, the more i find myself reminiscing about each year of my kids' lives. they change a little each day and it happens so quickly it seems. last i remember, i never even gave them permission to grow up. i don't know who they think they are. it seems strange now to imagine another little boy in all of our pictures, but i know the moment he arrives it will seem strange to imagine that our lives existed without him. we are all getting really excited to meet this new brother. but, for now i'm enjoying the time i have with just these three. making new memories and reminiscing over old ones.
