August 28, 2012


jack and madi had their second week of fall classes at our homeschool co-op today.

jack started taekwondo, which he's been asking to take for over a year and how cute is he in that much-too-large uniform? they actually special ordered that size triple zero for our tiny boy and it still swallows him. we have been really impressed with the immediate change in his confidence. he has been very bold and sure of himself since he started the class. it's a drastic difference from when he played soccer last fall and ran to us off the field every two minutes. soccer definitely was not his cup of tea but, he is loving taekwondo and it's a blast to watch him kick butt.

madi is taking a cooking class called "cooking around the u.s.". they're going state by state cooking and baking a treat that state is famous for. i'll be honest and say i'm not sure she's loving it. she's a very passionate girl usually but, we haven't seen much enthusiasm about the class so far. she had been planning on taking an art class, which she was thrilled about but, the class was full when we went to register. she does love to cook and bake at home, so we are hoping she'll end up having a good time. if not, we'll make sure to pre-register for the art class after christmas. (secretly, i just loved that i got to make her that little apron!)

charlie isn't old enough to take classes yet and he isn't happy about it either. he also loathes that darn stroller with an intense passion and screams after about thirty seconds of confinement. i usually take him out the playground during classes but, it was blazing hot today and my thirty-four week pregnant self was not dealing well. he(read we) had a rough day.

dear lord, please send cool fall weather next week and an extra dose of patience for mama.


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