typically around late october i start getting the itch for it....the most wonderful time of the year, the carols, the presents, the family, the food and sweet lord do i ever love decorating day. decorating day around here consists of the consumption of cocoa with a giant mound of marshmallows, dean martin crooning our favorite holiday classics, hanging and rehanging ornaments after little hands have torn them off the tree, wondering what will be in those stockings on the fireplace, whispering swear words under our breath when that one strand of lights just won't work and ending the day with the first family christmas movie of the season. the kids always beg for the grinch. i've managed to move decorating day earlier and earlier each year since paul and i have been married. there's a good chance that come easter one of these years, i'll be dragging out the nativity sets and lights. i've always been a christmas freak and proud of it.
i am the last person on earth who needs coercing when it comes to celebrating this season...usually. so, here comes the big confession. this year, i'm just not feelin' it. some unfortunate circumstances have caused us unnecessary stress this christmas and we've had to cancel our travel plans to texas as well. this will be my first christmas ever not to be with my mom or dad. it may sound childish, but it just won't be the same without seeing them. it really makes my heart sink a little each time i think about it. half of my siblings will be in texas and we won't get to be with them either. paul's parents have decided to come for a visit and we are excited to have them here. the kids are loving the christmas festivities and i'm determined to make it a wonderful time for them. i'll try not to cry or pout...you hear that santa? bring me somethin' good!
happy christmas season to all of you!