September 29, 2012


i've been dragging the kids and my mom on long walks every day, in an effort to get things moving in the labor department. also, it's been raining a bit and keeping four littles indoors for extended periods of time is a recipe for disaster. they've been enjoying the screaming, running and free space of the great outdoors. this week has been filled with many false labor starts. it's incredibly frustrating. every time i think "we might meet our baby today", things slow back down and eventually stop. i'm trying to just be patient(not a quality i have ever possessed or exercised) and enjoy this time before he decides to come. i mean, he does have to come out eventually right? i do hope it's sooner rather than later. until then, i fully intend on partaking in every old wives tale i can come up with. let's hope they don't go seriously awry.

dear baby, i'm ready when you are.


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