July 25, 2012


i thought i'd start a little series about what we do and why and how we do it. so here it is.

it's only fitting to start with my favorite thing...thrifting. i could thrift all day, everyday and mister jones will concur. there's just something about those dreamy vintage finds. it's like discovering a lost treasure. if only we knew who owned it before, what was their story, where has it been...dreamy i tell you. my love for all things vintage and old fashioned is definitely my number one motivator when i thrift. however, less impact on the environment, less expense and supporting companies that give to people in need are also major contributing factors. we're trying to set an example for our kids of how not to get caught up in the american consumerist lifestyle. rather, we're trying to focus on a lifestyle of simplicity and learning to appreciate the contentment and peace found there. 

this doesn't mean we don't buy anything new, we certainly do so when it's necessary. although i've never walked into a shopping mall and felt my heart skip a beat like it did when i spotted that teensy baseball embroidered vintage shirt for baby boy. the thrill of thrifting. good for the soul.



  1. Umm I love thrifting too. I would love to not buy anything new.. ever. And thrifting in the springs is just so wonderful. I always found great things at the ARC!

    1. ARC always has great stuff and they just built a brand new one!

  2. I have a serious case of pyrex jealousy!!! And that SCALE! SO NICE!

    I'm your newest follower over from the wiegands! Hope to see you over at our blog, The Moores!


    1. i can't ever resist the pyrex and the scale made me outright giddy! glad to meet you and excited to check out your blog!

  3. Just found your blog via Casey Weigand's link up and am now following you...your family and blog is beautiful! I too have a love for thrifting.

    1. thanks rachel! so glad to hear from a fellow thrifter!

    2. thanks rachel! so glad to hear from a fellow thrifter!

  4. I agree with you about the vintage items -- wondering where it has been, who owned it, etc.. I especially love a used vintage children's book. Love to find one that says in the inside something like "Merry Christmas 1958" I just wonder who got that book on that Christmas morning. New follower to you from the Mom's Monday Mingle.

  5. oh brenda, if you could only see our shameless stash of vintage books! i always check them for inscriptions too! happy to meet you!

  6. Oooh, those are some awesome finds, Bette! I can totally appreciate the thrill of a good thrifting session :) I don't think I love and appreciate my brand new items as much as I do my thrifted items around the house :)

    Thanks for sharing at Tiny Tip Tuesday and hope you can join us again next week!

  7. I absolutely love going to thrift stores and yard sales too!!!! So much fun. And I totally know how you feel about your heart skipping a beat. The mall depresses me and I just want to get what I need and get out! I actually just posted some of my finds too.
