monday. we played at the park, watched daddy and uncles play softball, laid in the shade and enjoyed the cool breeze. this day was not an inclination of how the rest of our week would transpire. it was nothing but a big. fat. tease.
tuesday. we had a staff fun day at our church. it was a bit long and exhausting, but i did manage to start going through some baby boy things later that night. charlie has since becoming a fan of wrecking this organized shelf multiple times a day.
wednesday. the week took a foul turn. as you can see charlie was in a less than desirable mood. we had planned to go see the farewell concert of our favorite band that night, but our babysitter canceled and i had to stay at home. the weather was obviously in tune with the mood around the house, as it stormed and hailed and flooded the city all night. my poor rose bushes only had one stinking bloom left!

thursday. we woke the kids up really early, which always sets a great tone for the day, to drop daddy off for a business trip to tulsa. we had barely said our goodbyes and pulled out of the parking lot before miss belle started throwing up in the car. plans for the day cancelled and replaced with movies and dry toast. that evening the bad weather returned and brought with it a tornado warning. now i love a good thunderstorm, but tornados i don't dig as much. we were all a little freaked and camped out in mama and daddy's bed, watching cartoons and checking the weather updates religiously. oh and see charlie up there, that was around midnight. he had no intention of sleeping that night.

friday. one failed attempt at charlie napping on his big boy bed. he's laid claim to his crib and doesn't plan on surrendering it to a little brother, ever. i foolishly drove all three no-nap-taking kids an hour into denver, through stop and go traffic, to a formal graduation dinner. there were three parts to that dinner, bad, worse and what-the-bloody-hell-was-i-thinking. i'll be honest, we all had a good cry on the drive home.
saturday. we were all beginning to implode as a result of our beyond stressful week. we picked up lunch, closed the blinds and queued up star wars episode one. it was the hottest day of the year so far and we don't have air conditioning in our home. thanks for that colorado home builders. it made me increasingly concerned for how well i'm gonna fair this summer weather with an ever growing baby belly.
thankfully, mister jones arrived home saturday evening and life immediately felt tolerable again. there's something comforting about the partnership in a marriage. just having the one you love present can make all the difference. sunday afternoon the whole family napped for hours. it was lovely.
what i learned over this past week: laying in the shade with a cool breeze is priceless, two year old tantrums and nap time protests are only a season of life, bad days do in fact end and are frequently followed by good ones, iced coffee is a good margarita substitute while pregnant, i hate the city and want to live on a farm, i am not supermom nor am i even her distant cousin and my husband is my lifeline and i couldn't do this without him. here's to bad days ending and good days to follow.